Terms of Service
When you purchase digital products you are being granted a single person license. You may print and use as many copies as you wish of the product for yourself. However, you may not make copies for others, nor may you alter and use alternate versions of the product. You may make additional digital copies for yourself, however you may not share them with others.
Privacy Policy and Security of Financial Transactions
Any personal information that you give (such as addresses, email, phone numbers, etc.) will be held in the strictest confidentiality, and will only be used for the purpose of delivering your product and providing excellent service to you. Your information will never be sold or shared, or used for spamming purposes. Financial information that is provided during the checkout process (credit card information) is securely managed through Stripe payments or through Paypal (depending on which option you choose at check out).
Refund Policy
All products are in digital format, therefore all sales are final and no refunds can be given. However, if you have any issues with downloading your purchase, please contact us at: info@awakeningpotentialreading.com