$54.95 – $20,499.00
In this decodable books collection, each story has three levels, according to the age and reading ability of the child (there is a description of the levels in each book). With 3 levels for each of the 21 stories, that’s a total of 63 books! These stories come from and are aligned with the Awakening Potential For Reading Success reading program. (These books can also be used as stand alone phonics books with any other reading program, or just to give some extra practice with the particular phonics concepts). The stories will contain words which use the concepts, allowing the student to practice what they have learned from the corresponding lesson in the reading program. The words which use the relevant concept will be highlighted. Anytime the student encounters one of these words, he or she should apply the concept/strategy to decode (read) the word. All of the other words in the story will either be sight words (words that can’t be decoded and need to be memorized, such as the, a, we, would, could, etc.) or words which use concepts/strategies that the student has already learned from previous lessons.
This decodable books collection uses the following concepts:
1. The Beginning Blenders (consonant beginning blends)
2. The Ending Blenders (consonant ending blends)
3. The Team Ups (sh, th, ch, ng)
4. The Copycats ( ff, ll, ss, ck, tch, dge)
5. The Silents (i.e. letter combinations where one letter is silent: wh, qu, wr, kn, ph)
6. The Cheerful Silent E (i.e. the e at the end of a word is silent. It is also very cheerful and ‘cheers on’ the the vowel to the left to make it’s long sound, by saying, “Come on vowel, you can do it! Say your long sound!”).
7. The Cheerful Suffixes (i.e. the es, ing, ed, en, er, est, and y suffixes at the end of a word are very cheerful and ‘cheers on’ the the vowel to the left to make it’s long sound, by saying, “Come on vowel, you can do it! Say your long sound!”).
8. The Invisible Suffixes (i.e. cover up the suffix with your finger to make it ‘invisible.’ Then segment and blend the sounds together to read the part of the word you can still see. Then, add the suffix back on by taking off your finger, and read the entire word).
9. The Power Ups Level 1 are prefixes, roots, and suffixes that can be added to words in order to ‘power them up,’ in the same way that a superhero can get new abilities and powers. The Power Ups Level 1 sounds are: re, de, pro, pre, tend, pend, es, ing, ed, en, er, est, y, s, less, ness, ful, ly.
10. Syllable Strength is a decoding strategy that uses your strength to ‘break’ the word into syllables. A syllable has at least one vowel and is often grouped with consonants. Each vowel can break off with the consonants next to it to make a syllable. For example, basket breaks into bas–ket.
11. The Tigers is a phonics concept that teaches ‘r controlled’ sounds, er, ir, ur. All of these sounds make the sound that a tiger makes when it growls, “Rrrrrrrrrr!” Just like in the words her, shirt, and turn.
12. The Sidekicks (part 1) is a phonics concept that teaches certain basic level ‘vowel teams’ sounds (excluding diphthong sounds): ai, ay, oa. The first vowel is the ‘superhero’ that says it’s name (the long vowel sound), and the second vowel is the ‘sidekick’ that stays quiet and helps out the first vowel sound. For example, the ai Sidekick sound makes the long sound /a/, as in the word train.
13. The Sidekicks (part 2) is a phonics concept that teaches certain basic level ‘vowel teams’ sounds (excluding diphthong sounds): ee, ea. The first vowel is the ‘superhero’ that says it’s name (the long vowel sound), and the second vowel is the ‘sidekick’ that stays quiet and helps out the first vowel sound. For example, the ea Sidekick sound makes the long sound /e/, as in the word beat.
14. The Captains is a phonics concept that teaches the ar and or ‘r controlled’ sounds, as well as two long /i/ sounds with silent letters (ie and igh). The first Captain says ‘ar’ just like a pirate. The second captain says ‘or’ because he wants to do things a different way than the first captain. The last captain says “Aye, aye, (ie, igh) Captains!” because he always follows the orders of the first two captains.
15. The Amazed (part 1) is a phonics concept that teaches the au and aw ‘diphthong’ sounds. The au and aw both make the sound that you would say if you dropped your jaw open in amazement and said “AW!” This sound is as in the words ‘launch’ and ‘straw.’
16. The Amazed (part 2) is a phonics concept that teaches the oi and oy ‘diphthong’ sounds. The oi and oy both make the sound that you would say if you saw something so amazing and said “OI!” This sound is as in the words ‘noise’ and ‘joy.’
17. The Two Ways (part 1) is a phonics concept that teaches the vowel teams that have two different sounds they can make. For example, the ou can make two different sounds, as in the words ‘count’ and ‘soup,’ and the ow can make two different sounds like in ‘plow’ and ‘grow.’
18. The Two Ways (part 2) is a phonics concept that teaches the vowel teams that have two different sounds they can make. For example, the oo can make two different sounds, as in the words ‘pool’ and ‘cook.’
19. The Two Ways (part 3) is a phonics concept that teaches the vowel teams that have two different sounds they can make. For example, the ey can make two different sounds, as in the words ‘key’ and ‘hey.’
20. The Three Ways (part 1) is a phonics concept that teaches the vowel teams that have three different sounds they can make. For example, the ea can make three different sounds, as in the words ‘seat,’ ‘health,’ and ‘great.’
21. The Three Ways (part 2) is a phonics concept that teaches the vowel teams that have three different sounds they can make. For example, the y can make three different sounds, as in the words ‘happy,’ ‘try,’ and ‘system.’
Level 1– Appropriate for students in grades 1-2. Very short sentences, mostly containing sight words. Only 1 or 2 words per sentence need to be decoded. Each page only has 1 sentence. Text is quite large. Large pictures accompany the text on each page.
Level 2– Appropriate for students in grades 2-3. Longer sentences with 2-3 words that need to be decoded. Each page only has 1 sentence. Text is smaller than level 1. Large pictures accompany the text on each page.
Level 3– Appropriate for students in grades 3-4. Longer sentences with more frequency of words that need to be decoded. Each sentence has 2-3 phrases. Each page has multiple sentences. Smaller pictures accompany the text on each page.
License Type | Individual License – For 1-9 students (For Tutors and Parents), Small Scale License – For 10-40 students (Classroom Teachers, Small Tutoring Companies), Middle Scale License – For 41-500 students (Schools, Larger Tutoring Companies), Large Scale License – For 500+ Students (School Districts, Very Large Tutoring Companies) |
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